Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Breaking in Spring

After five months of cold weather and trillions of layers, the word “spring” can have an almost immediate release of endorphins in my body, along with the colour pink (#fact). But when that word is followed by the word “break”, it is as though all my blood cells have morphed into Despicable Me minions and they’re all laughing hysterically through my veins. In other words, it’s exciting, really exciting. Fashion Design is a rather labour intensive major and pursuing it in fast pace New York City amps up the urgency and intensity of every assignment. Therefore, when any opportunity to catch up on sleep or finally eat a meal that wasn’t made in 10 minutes or less comes around, it must be taken advantage of. However, the reality of springtime is that it is often accompanied with spring cleaning, both literally and metaphorically. This means, clean up your life in any area you can think of that you didn’t have the time or energy to do during the depressing winter months. I.e. apply to internships, look for a new apartment because your lease is ending, finally take out the recycling and do your laundry. Well, I guess those are more literal cleaning than metaphoric, but they’re still very important. What spring break really means is temporarily take your mind off school and focus your energy on the ‘real human’ things that you’ve been neglecting. Though the university would like you to believe that you’re taking this time to relax and take a break so that you can come back and finish the semester at your optimal state of performance, the reality of the situation is that the break is the only thing saving you from complete life overload. Yes, life overload. I’ll leave that up to you to define for yourself as it can often mean different things for different people. So, in resistance of this life overload, whatever it shall imply, this spring break is much more about getting stuff done than taking a break from getting stuff done. I hate to break it to you, but I do not have any tropical beach bikini photos of me wearing the same Victoria’s Secret bathing suit your sister and your boyfriend’s ex girlfriend have, with my hand on my hip and my hair blowing in the wind and a charming smile, because you haven’t seen enough of those on your Facebook newsfeed this month... I actually don’t have many pictures from this spring break at all and if I did they would be of me watching movies and looking overfed (#accurate). Oh, and of course there would be pictures of me on my laptop doing things I said I would like applying to internships and haphazardly looking for apartments and...well...writing this. And believe it or not I’ve rarely put on real clothing or have any recollection of what my face with makeup on it might look like, so I wouldn’t even be looking cute in these hypothetical photos. 

Well, if you’ve read this far then you’re probably experiencing the kind of boredom that occurs during the type of spring break that I’m having. At least we’re in it together, am I right?

School starts again in four days. Four days people!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Photo by Matthew Perrone
It's actually astonishing how many times I'm asked for fashion advice by those who believe they "know nothing" about fashion. Believe it or not, I'm equally as capable of telling you what to wear as a fish. A blind fish. And the backing for that is that, at the end of the day, they're just clothes -fashion is just clothes. People like to warn me about how competitive and cut-throat this industry can be but in actuality, it's the people in the industry that make it that way and I predict a fashion forecast of funnier and more lighthearted designers, including myself. I think it's about time everyone reached back and untangled the bunch their panties are in and stop taking themselves so seriously. If I have learned anything at Parsons (and I've learned tons *cough*mom and dad your money isn't going to waste*cough*), it is that you need to wear what you like and I'm sure I've posted about that before. If you're not comfortable and confident in your clothing, why are you wearing them? Anyone can buy the newest or the most expensive but that doesn't make them fashionable, or at least, I should hope not because otherwise we'd all be broke (or homeless if your wallet resembles anything similar to what mine currently looks like). Thus, I have come to the groundbreaking conclusion that my approach to fashion is simply that - #wearwhatyoulike. Shoot - who I am to tell you what looks good; if you like it, then wear the hell out of it 'cause you're damn sure going to look better than the girl who can't figure out if she actually likes what she's wearing or if she's just resisting the buyers remorse flooding her subconscious. If someone else told you what you like, you're doing it wrong.

Wear what you like. Seriously, stop being so serious. 