Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gift Guide for a Fashion Student

Let's be real here, Christmas shopping gets increasingly difficult the older we get. Not only difficult but expensive. For a college student, the expensive component of that equation is a death sentence, especially following Black Friday and Cyber Monday when it’s hard to put Christmas shopping before spoiling yourself...again. And isn’t that always the way? The one time of the year when the spirit of giving is in the air and you’re having a sudden epiphany of all these things that you ‘need’ and how you can justify purchasing them instead of that tie for your dad for the fourth year in a row. [Check out Harvey Nichols' Sorry, I spent it on myself gift collection,]
So throughout this epiphany, I’ve been able to compose a list of gifts that a fashion student would like to a receive. A Fashion student like me. Hint, hint.
1. Illustration Markers.
My preferred brand is Primsacolor mainly because it’s the cheapest good quality marker. As a fashion student, you really can’t have too many illustration markers. Even if you have two of the same colour, they run out very quickly or they get murky from colouring over pencil. And then you have murky drawings and no one wants murky drawings because murky is murky. 

2. American Apparel ‘Easy Jeans’.
These are by far my favourite pair of jeans because they are so easy. Shocking, I know. I have them in black and wear them with everything and they look great no matter how bloated I am... A second pair may be in order. In medium.

They come in a variety of colours:

3. Black anything.
Speaking of black clothing, there is an unwritten rule in fashion school, or maybe it’s the entire industry, or maybe it’s New York City... but all black is a must. I honestly never wore black before October - occasionally when I wanted to look cool but I was a classic crayon-box-wardrobe kind of girl. Then I worked a fashion event in Toronto in early October with a dress code of entirely black and I had sold my soul, crossed over to the dark side, and converted. I didn’t realize it until a friend pointed it out, and when my response was more defensive than ashamed I knew there was no turning back. It’s a habit. Now, this isn’t to say I don’t like colours, I love colours! I include them in my designs all the time! But as far as my own clothes go, well, I’ll be sporting the fashion student uniform: all black everything.

4. Large canvas bag.
You know that awkward kid running to class with his backpack on, lunch bag in his hand and science project slowly disassembling in his arms as he runs down the street? Yeah, that’s pretty much every fashion student at one point in their lives. Until of course, they acquire a nice, extremely large, canvas bag in which they can carry all their sewing, illustration, and pattern-making materials. New York is a busy place and pedestrians have little tolerance for those with too much stuff on the sidewalk. Not to mention the Parsons elevators are unethically small. Having multiple small bags of supplies in addition to your purse is a disaster waiting to happen, so let's just avoid conflict and obtain a canvas bag. Of the large variety. In black. 

Plain and simple:

5. Fashion related books.
So we can look really cool when our non-fashion student friends come over. But also for inspiration…

“I don’t pop Molly, I rock Tom Ford.”

6. Unlimited gift-card to Starbucks.
Death before decaf, am I right?! Heh. 

7. Ridiculous shoes.
The more ridiculous the better. I can always take my shoes off to press the sewing machine peddle... 

For inspiration:

8. Ridiculous sunglasses.
I mean hey, make-up can only disguise how exhausted we are so much. Sometimes you just need a killer pair of shades to get you through that bad-face day.

Like these:

9. Candles.
I think it’s an artists thing, but an abundance of candles seems like appropriate decor. A New York City apartment could always use a little ambiance, especially when you can’t afford decent furniture or decorations or lightbulbs.

10. Money.
You had to expect this one. Materials are expensive! New York City is expensive! There is NO shame in accepting money for the holidays, and it is NOT uncreative to give money as a gift. So please, don’t hesitate. Really. I take all major credit cards.

11. Ironic apartment decorations.
We need to have our fair share of goofy dog sheets and princess chandeliers before our lives get too serious. Nice one on the spool-of-thread salt and pepper shakers, mom. You nailed it.

Need ideas?

12. Vintage anything.
Nothing rolls of the fashion-conscious tongue better than, “it’s vintage”. And the fact that no one else will have it is slightly appealing once you’ve realized that every other person in your class also heard about the sale at H&M in Times Square. 

13. Mason Jars.
For some reason it’s really trendy to drink out of these, and for some reason no one really knows where to acquire them except for finishing several jars of your mother's failed strawberry jam.

14. Instagram followers.
Won’t those look so nice with a pretty bow under the Christmas Tree? Actually, a group of strangers sitting in my living room doesn’t sound pretty at all

I'm @herelovenyc by the way.

15. Patience
Because seam ripping.

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